Friday, April 26, 2013

of airports and immigration

march 14, 2013 - the day i have been waiting for.

I have researched a lot before this travel. And one thing that made me a little anxious after all the researching was the immigration part.

First. i am a DOST scholar graduate and I still haven't completed my return service. So in short, I am not allowed to travel outside the country without securing a clearance from DOST. But there was a memo from the Bureau of Immigration released last year which states that our travel ban has already been lifted. But just to be sure, I still went to DOST to secure a clearance.

I have read online that immigration can be tough with the first-timers abroad. And I guess this is true in some cases. haha In Mactan international Airport, the first-timers were separated from the ones who have already traveled abroad. When it is already my turn, I just presented all my documents (Certificate of Employment) of Employment, roundtrip tickets, hotel accommodation  company ID), filled up a form and then I'M DONE. It was fast actually. The IO just wrote a note that I will be traveling with my workmate(who isn't a first timer).

Hello IO! :)

But a girl who is on the same flight as me has undergone a long interrogation. She was just released just as we are about to board. She was a first-time SOLO BACKPACKER. The immigration officer asked her to prove that she will indeed return to the country and will not work in HK. The girl was a fresh graduate and hasn't worked yet so she has no COEs or IDs to present which made the officer a little bit suspicious  Her trip was a gift to her by her siblings working abroad. To cut the story short, she was only released after she had written all her siblings names and where they work abroad. After these were verified, that was when they released her. So for those who are planning to travel abroad, be PREPARED. :)

As for the DOST, the immigration didn't even bother to ask for a DOST clearance. :) I also have a friend, a DOST scholar, who went abroad for a seminar without even securing a clearance. :) so for DOST scholars, it is fine not to secure a clearance. :)

Off we go to my first trip abroad. :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Let me welcome myself to the blog world.... :)

First things first. I'm not good at writing so why still bother writing a blog? I started this blog simply because I want to share all my travel experiences here and abroad. So if you see any grammatical errors in my post guys, my apologies. :D

So what would be my blog like? Well the blog title says it all...

--Pobreng lakwatsera (poor traveler)---

Basically this blog will be about my tipid-budget travel here and abroad. I will be posting my itineraries and the money I spent for each travel. So I hope this blog inspires you to travel and enjoy other places like I do. :)

I don't know where my wanderlust would take me. But I know wherever I will go, I will encounter fascinating experiences  which will be worth sharing in this blog.